Martijn en Annefloor

Facts and Figures

arrow Name Guatemala

(long form) Republic of Guatemala

arrow Population 14,655,200

arrow Population & Density (all countries) here

arrow Capital City Guatemala City (973,049)

arrow Currency Quetzal (GTQ), US dollar (USD), others accepted in major cities

arrow Currency Converter here

arrow Languages Spanish, Amerindian

arrow Flag here

arrow National Day September 15

arrow Religions Catholic, Protestant, Mayan beliefs

Time and Weather

arrow Time Zone (UTC -6) Note that UTC is also known as GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time. Conversion details and additional info:

arrow Climate The tropical country of Guatemala is consistantly warm (often quite pleasant) with very pronounced wet and dry seasons.

Typical of a mountainous country, high and low temperatures within vary quite substantually based on elevation. In general terms the interior plains and coastal lowlands in Guatemala reach average daily highs near 80 °F, with little seasonal change; the lower mountain valley temperatures are in the 65 °F range, while the upper elevations average nears 40 °F.

As for precipatation, Guatemala's rainy season runs (May to early December), with the greatest amount of rain falling in the plains of the northern Paten region; there, 125 inches of yearly precipatation, or more, are quite common. The eastern highlands of the Sierra Madre Mountains recieve the least amount of rainfall.

Traveler Info

arrow Attractions: Guatemala is famed for its incomparable collection of ancient Maya ruins that literally cover the countryside. Also, a growing number of eco-tourism sites are now attracting visitors from around the world.

< Significant points-of-interest in Guatemala include the Maya temples and ruins at Piedras Negros, Quirigua, Mirador and Tikal; fabulous native-culture markets at Chichicastenango; the mountain city of Huehuetenango; sprawling Guatemala City and its cultural attractions; the beautiful Coban area; the many charms of Flores; Lake Izabal; any volcano tour (just pick one); Pacific coastline beaches and the wide variety of watersport activities, and of course, the many colorful Maya festivals throughout the year - to name but a few.

arrow Country Dialing Code 502

arrow Electricity Guatemala uses 120 volts AC (60 HZ)
Electrical adapters, products and tips

arrow Travel Warnings here

arrow Visa Information here

arrow arrow PLEASE NOTE: Before making travel plans for any worldwide destination, we strongly recommend you authenticate important details regarding visas, local health care, customs, etc. We always find it helpful to contact the nearest consulate of any country before beginning a journey into a foreign land.